Web Jeevan

Internet Marketing and Web Design & Development Company

What is Self Service Hosting?

Last updated on 19 March, 2024 by Web Jeevan
What is Self Service Hosting?

Self-service web hosting is done completely on your own. This is the most advanced web hosting. You need to have a place to rent that stores your server. Then you’re responsible for the cooling, power, bandwidth, hardware, system administrator, backups, etc.

The advantages of self-hosting Service

  • Customize Your Domain Name
  • Rankings
  • Full Control of Your Website
  • Better Technical Support
  • Live Chat Option
  • More Reliable Back-up

The disadvantages of self-hosting Service

  • Ever-increasing price point
  • Changing and toggling platforms can be expensive
  • Some time Feature are limited
  • Slower, less reliable playback
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Internet Marketing Agency

Written by Web Jeevan

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