Web Jeevan

Internet Marketing and Web Design & Development Company

Notepad++ HTML Editor | Best HTML Editor

Last updated on 19 March, 2024 by Web Jeevan
Notepad++ HTML Editor | Best HTML Editor

Notepad++ HTML Editor is a free HTML editor that was developed for Windows-based machines. Linux users can also use it via Wine. This editor is distributed as free software and its repository is also available in GitHub. Like other community projects, third-party plugins are supported.

Notepad++ distinguishes its development environment for its simplicity. Notepad++ is super lightweight; there’s even a mobile version if you fancy it. Here are some highlights:


  • Developer(s) – Don Ho
  • Initial release – 24 November 2003
  • Stable release – July 16, 2020
  • Written in – C++
  • Operating system – Microsoft Windows
  • Type – Source Code Editor
  • License – GPLv2
  • Website – https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/

Key features:

  • Notepad++ interface is simple, lightweight, and fast.
  • It supports a multi-language coding environment, from ActionScript, CSS, to visual basic.
  • 100% compatibility with Windows, although other OSs are not supported (without additional software.)

Why do developers love Notepad++ ?

  • It’s completely free and open-source.
  • It is Extendable. You can add plugins from the community or create your own.
  • Customizable. Developers can personalize the features and interface to their preferences.

If you want to explore more about Text Editor or WYSIWYG Editor, We recommend you to go through our detailed article of HTML Editors.

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Written by Web Jeevan

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